Welcome to my website!
I'm delighted to announce my latest collection of paintings - 'A Selection for Charity' where 20% of the proceeds from this collection will be donated to the Save the Children Fund.
Elsewhere on the website you'll find recent works painted in the last couple of years as well as some small ‘on the spot’ oil studies painted while travelling in Europe and as far as India. These small sketches are a great reminder of sunny places full of memories and were a joy to paint!
Please browse through these pieces and should you wish to see more work in my studio either in London or in Pembrokeshire do email me at janecorsellis@gmail.com.
I am also happy to discuss any painting, should you wish to commission one on a particular subject. If you'd like to find out a little more about me you can do so here.
Examples of my current work are also exhibited at the following galleries:
The Gallery y Oriel, Newport, Pembs www.thegallery-yoriel.com
Chris Beetles Gallery, London www.chrisbeetles.com